(OLD) pHONEY locking tutorial
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Lock pHONEY into the locked pool "Vest pHONEY" in order to trade pHONEY into HONEY with a multiplier. Check the table above for conversion ratios. Select how much pHONEY you would like to deposit, then for how long you would like to deposit it for. The program will mint the right number of HONEY tokens at the conversion ratio you selected and will vest it for you.
Example: User locks 10 pHONEY for 12 months. 10 pHONEY is burned and 100 HONEY is minted, those 100 HONEY are vested for 12 months. User receives 25 veHONEY as per veHONEY conversion and can unlock the 100 HONEY in 12 months in exchange for their veHONEY.